Contract Finalization

When a transaction finishes executing successfully, there's a final step where all loaded application contracts are allowed to finalize, similarly to executing a destructor. The default implementation of finalize just persists the application's state:

    /// Finishes the execution of the current transaction.
    async fn finalize(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {

Applications may want to override the finalize method, which allows performing some clean-up operations after execution finished. While finalizing, contracts may send messages, read and write to the state, but are not allowed to call other applications, because they are all also finalizing.

If finalize is overriden, the default implementation is not executed, so the developer must ensure that the application's state is persisted correctly.

While finalizing, contracts can force the transaction to fail by panicking or returning an error. The block is then rejected, even if the entire transaction's operation had succeeded before finalize was called. This allows a contract to reject transactions if other applications don't follow any required constraints it establishes after it responds to a cross-application call.

As an example, a contract that executes a cross-application call with Operation::StartSession may require the same caller to perform another cross-application call with Operation::EndSession before the transaction ends.

pub struct MyContract {
    state: MyState;
    runtime: ContractRuntime<Self>;
    active_sessions: HashSet<ApplicationId>;

impl Contract for MyContract {
    type Error = MyError;
    type State = MyState;
    type Storage = ViewStateStorage<Self>;
    type Message = ();

    async fn new(state: Self::State, runtime: ContractRuntime<Self>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        MyContract {
            active_sessions: HashSet::new(),

    fn state_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::State {
        &mut self.state

    async fn initialize(
        &mut self,
        argument: Self::InitializationArgument,
    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {

    async fn execute_operation(
        &mut self,
        operation: Self::Operation,
    ) -> Result<Self::Response, Self::Error> {
        let caller = self.runtime
            .expect("Missing caller ID");

        match operation {
            Operation::StartSession => {
                    "Can't start more than one session for the same caller"
            Operation::EndSession => {
                    "Session was not started"

    async fn execute_message(&mut self, message: Self::Message) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        unreachable!("This example doesn't support messages");

    async fn finalize(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
            "Some sessions have not ended"

