Deploying the Application
The first step to deploy your application is to configure a wallet. This will determine where the application will be deployed: either to a local net or to the devnet.
Local Net
To configure the local network, follow the steps in the Getting Started section.
Afterwards, the LINERA_WALLET
environment variables
should be set and can be used in the publish-and-create
command to deploy the
application while also specifying:
- The location of the contract bytecode
- The location of the service bytecode
- The JSON encoded initialization arguments
linera publish-and-create \
target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/my-counter_{contract,service}.wasm \
--json-argument "42"
To configure the wallet for the devnet while creating a new microchain, the following command can be used:
linera wallet init --with-new-chain --faucet
The Faucet will provide the new chain with some tokens, which can then be used
to deploy the application with the publish-and-create
command. It requires
- The location of the contract bytecode
- The location of the service bytecode
- The JSON encoded initialization arguments
linera publish-and-create \
target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/my-counter_{contract,service}.wasm \
--json-argument "42"
Interacting with the Application
To interact with the deployed application, a node service must be used.