Writing the Service Binary

The service binary is the second component of a Linera application. It is compiled into a separate Bytecode from the contract and is run independently. It is not metered (meaning that querying an application's service does not consume gas), and can be thought of as a read-only view into your application.

Application states can be arbitrarily complex, and most of the time you don't want to expose this state in its entirety to those who would like to interact with your app. Instead, you might prefer to define a distinct set of queries that can be made against your application.

The Service trait is how you define the interface into your application. The Service trait is defined as follows:

pub trait Service: WithServiceAbi + ServiceAbi + Sized {
    /// Immutable parameters specific to this application.
    type Parameters: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Send + Sync + Clone + Debug + 'static;

    /// Creates an in-memory instance of the service handler.
    async fn new(runtime: ServiceRuntime<Self>) -> Self;

    /// Executes a read-only query on the state of this application.
    async fn handle_query(&self, query: Self::Query) -> Self::QueryResponse;

The full service trait definition can be found here.

Let's implement Service for our counter application.

First, we create a new type for the service, similarly to the contract:

pub struct CounterService {
    state: Counter,

Just like with the CounterContract type, this type usually has two types: the application state and the runtime. We can omit the fields if we don't use them, so in this example we're omitting the runtime field, since its only used when constructing the CounterService type.

We need to generate the necessary boilerplate for implementing the service WIT interface, export the necessary resource types and functions so that the service can be executed. Fortunately, there is a macro to perform this code generation, so just add the following to service.rs:


Next, we need to implement the Service trait for CounterService type. The first step is to define the Service's associated type, which is the global parameters specified when the application is instantiated. In our case, the global parameters aren't used, so we can just specify the unit type:

impl Service for CounterService {
    type Parameters = ();

Also like in contracts, we must implement a load constructor when implementing the Service trait. The constructor receives the runtime handle and should use it to load the application state:

    async fn load(runtime: ServiceRuntime<Self>) -> Self {
        let state = Counter::load(runtime.root_view_storage_context())
            .expect("Failed to load state");
        Ok(CounterService { state })

Services don't have a store method because they are read-only and can't persist any changes back to the storage.

The actual functionality of the service starts in the handle_query method. We will accept GraphQL queries and handle them using the async-graphql crate. To forward the queries to custom GraphQL handlers we will implement in the next section, we use the following code:

    async fn handle_query(&mut self, request: Request) -> Response {
        let schema = Schema::build(
            // implemented in the next section
            QueryRoot { value: *self.state.value.get() },
            // implemented in the next section
            MutationRoot {},

Finally, as before, the following code is needed to incorporate the ABI definitions into your Service implementation:

impl WithServiceAbi for CounterService {
    type Abi = counter::CounterAbi;

Adding GraphQL compatibility

Finally, we want our application to have GraphQL compatibility. To achieve this we need a QueryRoot to respond to queries and a MutationRoot for creating serialized Operation values that can be placed in blocks.

In the QueryRoot, we only create a single value query that returns the counter's value:

struct QueryRoot {
    value: u64,

impl QueryRoot {
    async fn value(&self) -> &u64 {

In the MutationRoot, we only create one increment method that returns a serialized operation to increment the counter by the provided value:

struct MutationRoot;

impl MutationRoot {
    async fn increment(&self, value: u64) -> Vec<u8> {

We haven't included the imports in the above code; they are left as an exercise to the reader (but remember to import async_graphql::Object). If you want the full source code and associated tests check out the examples section on GitHub.