
The programming model of Linera is designed so that developers can take advantage of microchains to scale their applications.

Linera uses the WebAssembly (Wasm) Virtual Machine to execute user applications. Currently, the Linera SDK is focused on the Rust programming language.

Linera applications are structured using the familiar notion of Rust crate: the external interfaces of an application (including instantiation parameters, operations and messages) generally go into the library part of its crate, while the core of each application is compiled into binary files for the Wasm architecture.

The Application Deployment Lifecycle

Linera Applications are designed to be powerful yet re-usable. For this reason there is a distinction between the bytecode and an application instance on the network.

Applications undergo a lifecycle transition aimed at making development easy and flexible:

  1. The bytecode is built from a Rust project with the linera-sdk dependency.
  2. The bytecode is published to the network on a microchain, and assigned an identifier.
  3. A user can create a new application instance, by providing the bytecode identifier and instantiation arguments. This process returns an application identifier which can be used to reference and interact with the application.
  4. The same bytecode identifier can be used as many times needed by as many users needed to create distinct applications.

Importantly, the application deployment lifecycle is abstracted from the user, and an application can be published with a single command:

linera publish-and-create <contract-path> <service-path> <init-args>

This will publish the bytecode as well as instantiate the application for you.

Anatomy of an Application

An application is broken into two major components, the contract and the service.

The contract is gas-metered, and is the part of the application which executes operations and messages, make cross-application calls and modifies the application's state. The details are covered in more depth in the SDK docs.

The service is non-metered and read-only. It is used primarily to query the state of an application and populate the presentation layer (think front-end) with the data required for a user interface.

Operations and Messages

For this section we'll be using a simplified version of the example application called "fungible" where users can send tokens to each other.

At the system-level, interacting with an application can be done via operations and messages.

Operations are defined by an application developer and each application can have a completely different set of operations. Chain owners then actively create operations and put them in their block proposals to interact with an application. Other applications may also call the application by providing an operation for it to execute, this is called a cross-application call and always happens within the same chain. Operations for cross-application calls may return a response value back to the caller.

Taking the "fungible token" application as an example, an operation for a user to transfer funds to another user would look like this:

extern crate serde;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum Operation {
    /// A transfer from a (locally owned) account to a (possibly remote) account.
    Transfer {
        owner: AccountOwner,
        amount: Amount,
        target_account: Account,
    // Meant to be extended here

Messages result from the execution of operations or other messages. Messages can be sent from one chain to another, always within the same application. Block proposers also actively include messages in their block proposal, but unlike with operations, they are only allowed to include them in the right order (possibly skipping some), and only if they were actually created by another chain (or by a previous block of the same chain). Messages that originate from the same transaction are included as a single transaction in the receiving block.

In our "fungible token" application, a message to credit an account would look like this:

extern crate serde;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum Message {
    Credit { owner: AccountOwner, amount: Amount },
    // Meant to be extended here


Operations in a block are always authenticated and messages may be authenticated. The signer of a block becomes the authenticator of all the operations in that block. As operations are being executed by applications, messages can be created to be sent to other chains. When they are created, they can be configured to be authenticated. In that case, the message receives the same authentication as the operation that created it. If handling an incoming message creates new messages, those may also be configured to have the same authentication as the received message.

In other words, the block signer can have its authority propagated across chains through series of messages. This allows applications to safely store user state on chains that the user may not have the authority to produce blocks. The application may also allow only the authorized user to change that state, and not even the chain owner is able to override that.

The figure below shows four chains (A, B, C, D) and some blocks produced in them. In this example, each chain is owned by a single owner (aka. address). Owners are in charge of producing blocks and sign new blocks using their signing keys. Some blocks show the operations and incoming messages they accept, where the authentication is shown inside parenthesis. All operations produced are authenticated by the block proposer, and if these are all single user chains, the proposer is always the chain owner. Messages that have authentication use the one from the operation or message that created it.

One example in the figure is that chain A produced a block with Operation 1, which is authenticated by the owner of chain A (written (a)). That operation sent a message to chain B, and assuming the message was sent with the authentication forwarding enabled, it is received and executed in chain B with the authentication of (a). Another example is that chain D produced a block with Operation 2, which is authenticated by the owner of chain D (written (d)). That operation sent a message to chain C, which is executed with authentication of (d) like the example before. Handling that message in chain C produced a new message, which was sent to chain B. That message, when received by chain B is executed with the authentication of (d).

                            ┌───┐     ┌─────────────────┐     ┌───┐
       Chain A owned by (a) │   ├────►│ Operation 1 (a) ├────►│   │
                            └───┘     └────────┬────────┘     └───┘
                            ┌───┐     ┌───┐     │ Message from chain A (a) │
       Chain B owned by (b) │   ├────►│   ├────►│ Message from chain C (d) |
                            └───┘     └───┘     │ Operation 3 (b)          │
                            ┌───┐     ┌──────────────────────────┐     ┌───┐
       Chain C owned by (c) │   ├────►│ Message from chain D (d) ├────►│   │
                            └───┘     └──────────────────────────┘     └───┘
                            ┌─────────────────┐     ┌───┐     ┌───┐
       Chain D owned by (d) │ Operation 2 (d) ├────►│   ├────►│   │
                            └─────────────────┘     └───┘     └───┘

An example where this is used is in the Fungible application, where a Claim operation allows retrieving money from a chain the user does not control (but the user still trusts will produce a block receiving their message). Without the Claim operation, users would only be able to store their tokens on their own chains, and multi-owner and public chains would have their tokens shared between anyone able to produce a block.

With the Claim operation, users can store their tokens on another chain where they're able to produce blocks or where they trust the owner will produce blocks receiving their messages. Only they are able to move their tokens, even on chains where ownership is shared or where they are not able to produce blocks.

Registering an Application across Chains

If Alice is using an application on her chain and starts interacting with Bob via the application, e.g. sends him some tokens using the fungible example, the application automatically gets registered on Bob's chain, too, as soon as he handles the incoming cross-chain messages. After that, he can execute the application's operations on his chain, too, and e.g. send tokens to someone.

But there are also cases where Bob may want to start using an application he doesn't have yet. E.g. maybe Alice regularly makes posts using the social example, and Bob wants to subscribe to her.

In that case, trying to execute an application-specific operation would fail, because the application is not registered on his chain. He needs to request it from Alice first:

linera request-application <application-id> --target-chain-id <alices-chain-id>

Once Alice processes his message (which happens automatically if she is running the client in service mode), he can start using the application.